Holy Humus

Over recent months I have been thinking a lot about humility, Jesus saying that he is "humble in heart" and what that means, as well as his teaching on the sermon on the mount. It seems the way of the Kingdom is down and Jesus tells us that we are called to serve not be served. To be humble, and in that humility find rest for our souls. Humility and human come from the same Latin word - "humus". Humus is soil, rich soil, the kind of soil out of which good things grow. Tied in with this is that fact that Adam was made from earth and the name "Adam" means earth. Yet Jesus the "second Adam" emptied himself and humbled himself in taking on  human form. On my recent retreat I wrote a poem called "Holy Humus" which tries to capture some of this aspect of Jesus and his call on us to live with true humility, not false humility.

Holy Humus

To be born is to be human, when from the womb we’re thrust

Fully formed matter, made of earth and dust

When young, so beautiful and perfect

When old the scent of must


Each person sacred earth, shaped by the potter’s hand

With occasional deviations, from the genetic plan

Yet each body holds a soul, a sacred spirit life

Unique, of equal value – a jewel of greatest price


Being human is being humus, soil rich and deep

But our culture sells us trinkets, soil is so drab and cheap

Yet this humus, seen as “dirty” – something to be washed away

Is the place of the divine made holy, as WORD is wrapped in clay


We love the fruits of summer, as sweet juices down chins flow

But these fruits we take for granted, come from the soil below

Externally for all to see we put our best on show, to win a “first place” ticket and accolades bestow

To show to one and all, we have great worth and value

When inside we know the truth, our broken souls are very fragile


The WORD, the life, came humbly - and took this humus form

Emptied himself to show us worth, to bear our shame and scorn

This second “Adam” this holy dust, who knew pain – hunger, and thirst

To reveal the upside down work of God, and to the lowliest give worth


This WORD showed his beloved dust, by flipping things around

The way to peace and value is not up, but deeper down

Anything external, the fruits of true humility

Only come from deeper roots, the hidden sets us free

From the need to be great, to have the highest place

To foot washing surrender, see in the other – Jesus face